SML Demolition & Deconstruction offers hassle free demolition services for all your project needs.
Tell us your project needs
The first step is to let us know what your project needs are. We'll need to know the location of your project and the scope of work to be done. Before we issue a bid, we'll come out to the site and inspect the existing conditions. This will also give us a good idea of what additional equipment IF ANY will be necessary. Once we've had a site visit, we will then issue a proposal along with a work contract.
Demolition Phase
Once we've issued the bid and you're satisfied with our proposal, we will begin the scheduling phase. We will issue a work schedule and general scope of work, along with a general contract. This will allow you to see what's going to be done as well as when we will get started and anticipate finishing. Generally an initial deposit is required which may be up to but not exceeding 30%. Once the deposit and contract have been received, we will begin the demolition on the scheduled date of execution.
Clean up & recycling
When the demolition or deconstruction has been completed, we will perform a thorough clean up process on the site. Any holes made as a result of the demolition such as stump removals will be backfilled before we leave the site. Any recycled materials that are to be reused will be sent to their designated location. If you wish to reuse any materials from the project, please let us know where you'd like to store these materials. The customer is responsible for obtaining a suitable storage, we'll take care of everything else.